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Thank you for taking part in our pilot of the CAS Twilight training sessions for teachers. We have covered two important topics: Foundations in Algorithms and Searching and Sorting in a little under 3 hours.

Because this was a pilot, we are interested in your opinions about your experience in the sessions and about what we can improve on in the future.

We assure you that your answers to this questionnaire will be kept confidential. We will not release any individual data and the raw data will only be available to the York CAS NoE team of Stephen Lyons, Christopher Power and Peter Dring.

Thank you again for taking part in this pilot. We hope to see you next year for more sessions.

Christopher Power
on behalf of the Network of Excellence team
How useful or not useful were each of the following during the Session 1: Foundations of algorithms?
Very useful 2 3 4 Not at all useful
What is an algorithm?
Example: ATM
Algorithm Construction: War (card game)
Algorithm Representation: Flow charts
Programming example: War (card game)
How useful or not useful did you find each of the following topics in Session 2: Searching and Sorting
Very Useful 2 3 4 Not at all satisfied
Why computing studies searching and sorting
Introduction to Sorting
Sequential Search versus Binary Search
Time complexity versus space complexity
Example: Bubble Sort
Example: Insertion Sort
Example: Bucket Sort
Algorithm Construction: Quicksort
Programming example: Quicksort
Was the length of each twilight session?
Far too short
Slightly too short
Neither too short nor too long
Slightly too long
Far too long
Which of the following configurations of sessions would be of interest to you. An instruction session is similar to the ones you just attended while a design session is one where each participant brings with them a teaching example to work on.
Not at all interested 2 3 4 5 6 Very interested
2 twilight instructions sessions
2 twilight instruction sessions and 1 design session
1 twilight instruction session and 1 design session
1 half day session combining 2 twilight sessions and 1 design session
1 weekend course consisting of several sessions over 2 days (possibly in summer)
1 week long residential course during the summer
How much would you be willing to pay for 1 of the instruction sessions similar to the ones you experienced this week?
What were your three most favourite things about the sessions you have participated in.
What were your three least favourite things about the sessions you have participated in.