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This survey is for my Challenge and Change in Society course and it is approximately a 5 minute survey regarding hiring women/women and career advancement. Your participation is critical to the success of my project. The survey is anonymous and your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you very much for your time and support. Please complete the questions below and submit the survey. 
* What is your gender?
Prefer not to say
How old are you?
Younger than 10
Some people believe that there is an invisible barrier or "Glass Ceiling" that hinders women from advancement to upper management positions. To what extent do you think that such a barrier exists in today's society?
To extreme extent To great extent To moderate extent To little extent To no extent
Please indicate your level of agreement/disagreement with the following statements. 
Negatively No impact Positively
In what way (if any) do you feel that your gender has impacted your chances of receiving (or not receiving) a promotion.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree
I believe women are as capable as men of serving in executive positions.
Women are respected equally in the workplace.
Sufficient opportunities exist for women to advance into senior management positions.
Women have to perform better than their male counterparts to be promoted to the same position.
On a scale of 1-5, in your opinion, how much of an obstacle to a woman's career advancement are each of the following factors. 
No obstacle Large obstacle
Corperate structures and practices that favor male employees.
Women's lack of self-confidence and timidity.
Perceptions that women should not have authority over men.
Perceptions that women are too indecisive, weak, irrational, and leave work to raise a family.
If you are currently employed please answer the following questions, if you are not currently employed please submit your survey now. Please indicate the level of your agreement/disagreement with each of the following statements. 
To no extent To little extent To moderate extent To great extent
To what extent do you feel a Glass Ceiling exists in your organization?
In what way (if any) do you feel that your gender has impacted your chances of receiving (or not receiving) a promotion.
In my organization, competitiveness/assertiveness in women is viewed as a negative trait
In my organization, the number of women penetrating the hierarchy and achieving senior positions is steadily rising.
Do you currently have a male and/or female mentor in a senior position at your organization?  (Select all that apply)
I don't have a mentor

In your opinion, which of the following organization practices would be the most important in developing and advancing  women's careers, rank the following from most important to least important.
Mentorship programs for women
Company recruitment practices to seek out qualified women for high-level positions
Career support groups and networks for women
Programs to help women balance work and family obligations
Flexible work weeks and hours