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We really hope that you enjoyed Spring Camp. We would love to hear how we could make it even better, and encourage more people to come along. You can help us by telling us which bits were good and which bits were not so good.
Please tell us which age group you belong to:
How did you feel about the food and refreshments at camp?
It was really rubbish
It was a bit rubbish
Okay - not great
Pretty good
Loved it!
How did you feel about the activities at camp?
They were rubbish
They were a bit rubbish
They were okay
They were pretty good
They were amazing!
Did you think the camp was well organised?
Not really
How did you feel about the place where camp was held?
It was rubbish
It was pretty rubbish
It was okay - not great
It was good
It was great!
How did you feel about the shared sleeping arrangements at camp?
I hated it!
I didn't much like it
It was okay
I liked it
It was really fun!
Was the camp good value for money?
Would you like to go on a similar camp in the future?
Not really
Please tell us whether there is any more information you would have liked to help you to enjoy camp. This could be the information you got before camp or during camp.
Would you be interested in volunteering for a role at camp? This could be with support. If so, what interests you in particular?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about camp?
If you are happy for us to contact you to discuss your ideas further, and so that we can tell you about future camps, please leave your contact details too!