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The City-County Board of Health for Lincoln County Montana Wants Your Opinion
The Board of Health is planning ahead for the period after EPA finishes its work in the Libby and Troy areas. With input from this initial survey, the Board is considering what actions it should take to help local citizens respond to residual asbestos that may remain in our community during and after EPA’s cleanup. Please take a moment to help us understand your opinion about the risks and issues around Libby Amphibole Asbestos in and around Libby and Troy.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Is your primary residence within 10 miles of Libby or Troy?
Yes, within the city limits of Libby
Yes, but outside the Libby city limits
Yes, within the city limits of Troy
Yes, but outside the Troy city limits
No, but I do live in South Lincoln County outside of the Libby and Troy areas
No, I do not live in South Lincoln County, MT
Have you attended meetings or followed the issues associated with the Libby Superfund action?
Yes, I am involved in community comments/meetings
Yes, I was more involved previously, but am still involved in community comments/meetings
Yes, I generally get my updates from newspaper, radio, and word of mouth
No, I am not involved, but would be if there was a city/county program
No, I am not involved and do not wish to be
Has the interior of your primary residence undergone removal action by the EPA?
No, but is required and/or scheduled
No, not needed or unknown
No, I declined an interior removal
Has the exterior or yard of your primary residence undergone removal action by the EPA?
No, but is required and/or scheduled
No, not needed or unknown
No, I declined an exterior removal
Do you have children age 0-10 living at home?
Sometimes (part-time, grandkids, visitors, etc.)
Do you have children age 11-18 at home?
Sometimes (part-time, grandkids, visitors, etc.)
Risk Issues/Perception and Community Involvement
Please rate your perceived risk of Libby Amphibole Asbestos exposure and your reaction to the level of Board of Health involvement in the risk of exposure from asbestos in Libby, Troy, and surrounding area. Please select the level of your perceived risk.
Risk Perception – Rate the following tasks as to how you perceive your risk of exposure to Libby Amphibole Asbestos
High Risk Some Risk Little Risk No Risk No Opinion
Working in your garden/landscaping
Remodeling inside your home
Cleaning inside your home
Recreation Out of Town – hunting, camping, fishing, wood cutting, 4-wheeling, mountain biking, etc.
Recreation In Town – walking, biking, recreational team sports, municipal playgrounds, etc.
Occupation – Working outside/construction/fire-fighting/etc.
Occupation – Working indoors in an office/business/store/etc.
Education – Children's exposure in schools
Raising children in the Libby/Troy area
Living in the Libby/Troy area in general
Community Involvement – Do you feel educated, informed, or involved in the Libby Amphibole Asbestos issues?
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
Adequate information has been provided about the risks of asbestos exposure to the community.
The residential removals (interior and exterior) are reducing the risk of asbestos exposure in the community.
More should be done to reduce the risk of asbestos exposure in the community.
The Local Board of Health should take an active role in addressing asbestos exposure in the community.
The Local Board of Health should develop local health regulations, such as excavation permits or required training courses for licensed professionals, as an effective way to reduce risk of asbestos exposure in the community.
The Local Board of Health should provide education/information programs as an effective aid to reduce the risk of asbestos exposure in the community.
Relying on voluntary compliance with local health regulations designed to reduce the risk of asbestos in the community will work better than relying on fines and other penalties to enforce those regulations.
I am concerned about the economic impacts to our community due to public perceptions about the asbestos cleanup.
Community Involvement & Risk Perception Comments
Community Involvement: Are there any other programs or resources that the Local Board of Health could provide to help reduce the risk of asbestos exposure in the Libby/Troy communities? (Please comment or use the contact information below.)
Risk Perception: What other activities do you see as creating exposure to asbestos within the community? (Please comment or use the contact information below.)
Feel free to e-mail or call with additional comments to Nick Raines at [email protected] or 406.283.2462.
About You (Optional)
Street Address
City, State, ZIP
May we add you to our e-mail/mailing list, which offers news and information on the City-County Board of Health’s involvement in the asbestos issues?
Asbestos Resource Program Survey
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