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Please read the following agreement
By submitting this application, you are stating that you acknowledge the responsibilities, and requirements of a position in the Blackout Podcast.
Which include:

Only taking part in the Blackout Podcast (Meaning you can voice act for another position, but you agree to not join another podcast of the same concept as the Blackout Podcast. [Voicing as a character for another podcast.])
You will remain serious and take active part in the Podcasts

You will play your part well and to the fullest extent

You will NOT cuss excessively in the Podcast

You will NOT perform OOC (Out Of Character) in the Podcast

You will voice ONLY ONE character in the Podcast (Unless decided otherwise by Shiny)

You WILL respect all other members of the Podcast in a polite manner

You accept the fact that Shiny or Cpcool3 may/can/will be able to remove you from the Podcast, or change your part upon decision (Don't worry, we aren't heartless!)

You will report to Cpcool3 or Shiny if something is amiss in the podcast, If someone isn't being polite or following the rules/abusing the rules/other things that are blackout related, please, let Cpcool3 or Shiny know! They will resolve it!

You accept that this Podcast can be subject to closure, and termination, if decided upon doing so

Absolutely, under no circumstances unless told to by Cpcool3 or Shiny, should you ever leave the Podcast Skype Conversation (No Drama, no Arguements, no fights. You should NEVER do so. We may choose to never allow you back into the Conversation if you do this.)

Should anyone such as Cpcool3 or Shiny do something to offend you or mistreat you or leave you feeling threatened by our actions, feel free to POLITELY and RESPECTFULLY point that out privately or in the chatroom. Please, NOTE the POLITE AND RESPECTFUL part.

It has been decided to be an agreement that Homestuck nor most fandoms should be referenced or featured within the Podcast. This is to prevent arguments and/or disapproval in comments on Youtube.

Thank you for reading that. We just wanted to add this in, to allow an open entry forum for people, while maintaining good, kind, polite voice actors for the podcast.
[Last Update: 9/9/2012]
What Timezone are you in?
EST (Eastern Time) CST (Central Time) MDT (Mountain Time) PST (Pacific Time)
* Your Timezone?
* Your Name?
* What is your Skype account name?
* What is your email address?
* What country/Area are you from?
Thank you for taking the time to do this form. We will notify you of your being accepted or not as soon as possible.
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