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BIXI Bikesharing Survey - French

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University of California, Berkeley


BIXI and the University of California, Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center are partnering to conduct a survey to better understand the impacts of bikesharing on travel behavior.

You can skip any questions that you do not wish to answer.

You will not receive any compensation for responding to these surveys. If you take the survey and provide your email address at the end of the survey you will be entered to win a $50.00 Amazon.com gift certificate. Your odds of winning are at least 1 in 650 or better (depending on how many people take the survey). Your email will be used for the gift certificate drawing and will not be shared with a third party. Your email will be deleted from our system after the drawing is complete.

Your responses to this survey are encrypted in transmission, de-identified in storage, and will be maintained confidentially by BIXI and UC Berkeley.

You may withdraw your consent at any time and discontinue participation without penalty. You are not waiving any legal rights because of your participation in this research study. If you would like to review the complete consent form for this research project, you may download a pdf of it at http://tsrc.berkeley.edu/sites/tsrc.berkeley.edu/files/UCBConsentForm.pdf

I have read the consent and agree to take the survey.

How often do you (or did you) ride a bike? (please choose one response per row)

Less than once a month Monthly Every other week 1 to 3 days per week 4 to 6 days per week 7 or more days per week
Before you joined BIXI?
En moyenne, combien de fois par mois avez-vous emprunté un vélo BIXI?
What is your most common trip purpose for using BIXI?
Go to work
Go to school
Go to a meeting
Go to a restaurant / meal
Go shopping
Social / entertainment / visit friends
Run errands
Exercise / recreation
Other (please specify)
Before BIXI was available, how would you have made this trip most often? (check all modes that you would use during a single trip before bikesharing)
Commuter rail
Personal bike
Drive alone
Ride as a passenger in a car
Carsharing vehicle
I would not have made this trip

Which of these modes do you usually use to complete this trip in conjunction with BIXI?
Commuter Rail
Personal bike
Drive alone
Ride as a passenger in a car
Carsharing vehicle
I use bikesharing alone to complete this trip

Approximate one-way distance in kilometers:
Besides your most common trip purpose, for what other trip purposes have you used BIXI? (please check all that apply)
Go to work
Go to school
Go to a meeting
Go to a restaurant / meal
Go shopping
Social / entertainment / visit friends
Run errands
Exercise / recreation
Other (please specify)

Based on your experience with bikesharing, which mode of transportation do you think is most complemented (or supported) by BIXI? (Please select one response)
Commuter Rail
Personal bike
Driving alone
Riding as a passenger in a car
Carsharing vehicle
None of these
What other modes do you think are well complemented (or supported) by BIXI? (Please select all that apply)
Commuter rail
Personal bike
Drive alone
Ride as a passenger in a car
Carsharing vehicle

BIXI has made Montreal a more enjoyable place to live.
Strongly agree
Neutral (no opinion)
Strongly disagree
I think of BIXI as an enhancement to the Montreal public transportation system.
Strongly agree
Neutral (no opinion)
Strongly disagree
BIXI enhances my mobility within Montreal.
Strongly agree
Neutral (no opinion)
Strongly disagree
BIXI provides me with an important link to and from the Montreal public transit system.
Strongly agree
Neutral (no opinion)
Strongly disagree
Since joining BIXI I have made trips with transit and bikesharing (together) that I would have previously done with a car.
Strongly agree
Neutral (no opinion)
Strongly disagree
BIXI makes accessing and traveling from transit easier.
Strongly Agree
Neutral (no opinion)
Strongly disagree
BIXI has improved the connectivity of the Montreal transit system.
Strongly agree
Neutral (no opinion)
Strongly disagree
As a result of my use of BIXI, I use public transportation…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I did not use public transportation before and I do not use it now.
My use of public transportation changed, but not because of BIXI.
How often do you use BIXI in the following ways? (Please choose one response per row)

Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Bikeshare TO a subway station
Bikeshare FROM a subway station
Bikeshare TO a bus stop
Bikeshare FROM a bus stop
Bikeshare FROM one station to ANOTHER station
Bikeshare FROM one station BACK TO THE SAME station
Please tell us how your membership with BIXI has led to changes in your use of specific modes of travel

As a result of my use of BIXI, I use the bus…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I did not ride the bus before and I do not ride the bus now.
I have changed how I use the bus, but not because of BIXI.
As a result of my use of BIXI, I use the subway…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I did not use the subway before and I do not the subway now.
I have changed how I use the subway, but not because of BIXI.
As a result of my use of BIXI, I use the commuter rail…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I did not use the the commuter rail, and I do not use the commuter rail now.
I have changed how I use the commuter rail, but not because of BIXI.
As a result of my use of BIXI, I walk…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I did change how much I walk, but not because of BIXI.
As a result of my use of BIXI, I drive a car…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I did not drive a car before, and I do not drive a car now.
I did change how much I drive a car, but not because of BIXI.
To what extent does bikesharing contribute to your driving reduction?
Bikesharing is the sole reason for my driving reduction
Bikesharing availability is a main reason for my driving reduction along with other factors
Bikesharing availability is a minor reason for my driving reduction along with other factors
Bikesharing availability is not a reason for my driving reduction.
As a result of my use of BIXI, I use taxis…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I did not use taxis in Montreal before, and I do not use them now.
I did change how much I use taxis, but not because of BIXI.
As a result of my use of BIXI, I ride a bicycle (any bicycle)…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
As a result of my BIXI use, I use carsharing (AutoShare/Communauto/Zipcar)…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I am not a member of carsharing.
I did change my use of carsharing, but not because of BIXI.
As a result of my BIXI use, I shop at locations near existing bike stations…
Much more often
More often
About the same (bikesharing has had no impact)
Less often
Much less often
I do not shop locally
How often do you wear a helmet when using BIXI bikes?
Most of the time
How good of a bicyclist do you consider yourself?
Very Good
Not too good
Not good at all
Please indicate the types of vehicles that you have available to you on a regular basis? (check all that apply)
A personal bike (other than BIXI)
A car, van, SUV, truck or other person vehicle
A motorscooter or motorbike
A motorcycle
A carsharing membership
Taxi (street hailable)
Existing carpool or vanpool arrangement

Make (e.g., Ford):
Model (e.g., Fusion):
Year (e.g., 2006):
Kilometers per month:
Kilometers per month:
Since you joined BIXI, have you sold, donated or otherwise gotten rid of a personal household vehicle or considered selling a personal vehicle?
Sold or donated a household vehicle
Considered selling a personal vehicle
How important has your membership in BIXI been in your decision to sell or consider selling a personal vehicle?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not at all important
Don’t know
Feel free to offer any further description of how BIXI has influenced your travel behavior or lifestyle within Montreal (optional).
Do you have any suggestions for BIXI operations to help improve services, feel free to offer them here (optional).
Demographics and Approximate Home/Work Location
Please indicate two streets that cross near your HOME location as well as the city.
Street #1:
Street #2:
Whole Years:
Please indicate two streets that cross near your WORK location as well as the city.
Street #1:
Street #2:
Whole years:
Are you male or female?
Prefer not to answer
What is your age?
16 – 17 years old
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 years or older
Prefer not to answer
Approximately what is your expected household income this year?
Less than $10,000
$10,000 to $14,999
$15,000 to $24,999
$25,000 to $34,999
$35,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $74,999
$75,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
$150,000 to $199,999
$200,000 or more
Prefer not to answer
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than high school
High school
Cegep/technical school
Bachelor Degree
Advanced Degree (Masters, Doctoral)
Prefer not to answer
Other (please specify):
Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic background? (please check all that apply)
Asian/Pacific Islander
Middle-Eastern or Arab
Native American/Alaska Native
Prefer not to answer

What is your occupational status? (please check all that apply)
Full-time student
Part-time student
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
Stay-at-home parent
Unemployed, looking for work
Unemployed, not looking for work
Prefer not to answer

As part of your participation in this survey, would you like to be part of a drawing for a $50 Amazon Card? If so, please provide your email address below and thank you for your participation.
No thank you
Yes, contact email is:
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