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How often do you conduct surveys?
Where can you access detailed C&C BCP information? Please check the links below, select the one that applies and bookmark the link in your Internet Explorer window
Accelerating U web-page:
C&C BCP web-page:
What does the acronym MALO stand for?
Minimum Acceptable Level of Operations
Maximum Allowable Lead of Operations
Major Accounts Leader of Operations?
What does the acronym MAD stand for?
Minimum Acceptable Deadline??
Maximum Allowable Downtime
Main Access Door
What should you do when you detect an incident?
Tell a colleague
Do nothing, the incident will be reported by the BRT Leader
Notify your manager and follow the emergency and response procedure at site level?
How can you be prepared for a BCP event? Please select all that apply.
Prepare your quick card
Keep personal information updated
Have access to relevant systems and verify you have “work from home” capability
Bookmark C&C BCP web site?
Have your laptop with you