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Aware/Siam Mandalay English Program Survey

Aware/Siam Mandalay English Program Survey
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* At Aware/Siam Mandalay, you are a Level ______ English learner.
How often are you attending classes?
All of the time
Most of the time
I no longer attend classes
How important is learning English to your current job and career track at Aware/Siam Mandalay?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important
How important is learning English to your long-term career?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important
How much time will it take before you can confidently use English effectively in all business communications?
5 to 10 years
3 to 5 years
1 to 3 years
1 year or less
What is the amount of time you currently spend learning English outside of the classroom is:
8 or more hours per week
5 to 8 hours per week
2 to 5 hours per week
1 to 2 hours per week
Less than 1 hour
In reality, what is the minimal amount of class and study time needed to learn English for business is:
10 or more hours per week
6 to 10 hours per week
3 to 6 hours per week
1 to 3 hours per week
The amount of class and study time thatyou can fit in your schedule and commit to is:
10 or more hours per week
6 to 10 hours per week
3 to 6 hours per week
1 to 3 hours per week
The level of English instruction at Aware is:
Too difficult
Somewhat difficult but acceptable
Somewhat easy but acceptable
Too easy
The quality of delivery and presentation by the English instructor is:
Very good
Somewhat good
Somewhat poor
Very poor
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