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How helpful and valuable was the parenting information?
Extremely Helpful and Valuable
Very Helpful and Valuable
Somewhat Helpful and Valuable
Not Helpful or Valuable at all
How much did you need to read the information that was written on the parenting page?
Very Much
Not at all
How many people do you know need to become a better parent and needs parenting information?
Only myself
1 to 5 people (including me)
5-10 people (including me)
1-10 people (excluding me)
How interesting was the sneak preview for the "Pressing Towards the Mark" Series?
Extremely interesting; it peaked my desires to work in this area
Very interesting; it made me realize I need to work on my relationship with God
Interesting - I now want to build my relationship with God
Not Interesting at all
How likely are you to want to receive a copy of Volume I of the "Pressing Towards the Mark" series?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Not sure
Definitely not likely
How many people do you know need to become better Christians and need spiritual-development information?
1 to 5 people (including me)
5-10 people (including me)
10 or more people (including me)
No one
How was your experience and your visit with Awakening Academy & Learning Center, Inc.?
Extremely informative and interesting
Time well spent; I learned a lot
I realize I need to be closer and more intimate with God
All of the Above
How many people this week will you tell about this website to?
1-5 people
5-10 people
10-15 people
more than 15 people
Are you experiencing challenges in your parenting skills and/or your spiritual development?
Yes in my parenting skills
Yes in my spiritual development
Yes in both my parenting skills and spiritual development
No I am not experiencing challenges
In what areas do you feel you need spiritual guidance and help? (click all that apply)
Developing healthier relationships
Developing trust in relationships
Understanding God's love for me
Developing the God-kind-of love
Developing wisdom in areas that concern me
Knowing the talents and gifts God gave me
Developing self-discipline

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