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Audio app survey

Thank you for agreeing to complete our survey and providing valuable feedback on our Audio app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Questions will focus on your product experiences and Learning Ally’s products and services. It will take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete and your responses are strictly confidential.

Your opinions are important to us so that we can continually improve the experience for members like you. We appreciate your time and your support.
What is your relationship to Learning Ally, formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic?
I am a member.
I am the parent or guardian of a child who is a member.
I am an educator who acts on behalf of one or more members.
How would you grade your experience with the RFB&D Audio App overall?
A (excellent)
C (satisfactory)
F (poor)
Why did you decide to purchase the Audio app?
I was already using DAISY books, but wanted another player.
I was already using Learning Ally/RFB&D materials but I prefer to use an Apple device.
I was previously aware of Learning Ally/RFB&D, but I decided to start using it when the Audio app became available.
I became interested in Learning Ally/RFB&D after learning about the Audio app.
I wanted to try the Audio app to see how it compared to other audio playback options.
What other DAISY players have you used? Please select all that you have used or owned.
RFB&D ReadHear by gh
Other software player
DAISY digital player (Victor Reader Stream, Plextor Pocket PTP1, etc.)
DAISY CD player (Victor Reader Wave, Victor Reader Classic X Plus, PlexTalk PTR2 Player/Recorder, etc.)
Other Hardware device
I have never used a DAISY player.

We would like to make it easy for members to purchase and use our Apple app to play Learning Ally materials. For each step, from the app purchase through to playing a title, please indicate how easily you were able to perform the installation process.
Finding and ordering the app through the iTunes store
Installing the app on your device
Logging into your account on the app
Finding and ordering titles from our website
Downloading titles onto your computer
Loading titles onto the mobile device
Playing of content using the app
Do you have any additional comments on the ease of use of the app?
Our current process for getting electronic audio book files onto mobile devices utilizes a software program called the "Download Manager." Please help us to understand what aspects of the audio book download process need improvement by rating the use of each feature below.
Instructions on what the Download Manager is and what it does
Finding the link to obtain the Download Manager program
Installing the Download Manager program on my computer
Running the Download Manager for the first time
Using the Download Manager to move digital audio books onto my computer
Getting digital audio books from my computer onto my Apple device
Do you have any additional comments on the Download Manager?
What is the operating system of the computer that you use to load titles onto your Apple portable device?
Mac (OSX, Leopard, Snow Leopard)
Windows (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7)

If you had difficulty ordering, downloading, installing, or using the app, where did you go for help?
Learning Ally customer support (email or phone)
Learning Ally online resources (FAQs)
Web search on topic via search engine
Friend or other tech support
How well did the app meet your expectations for an easy playback experience?
1 (I was very satisfied.)
7 (My expectations were not met.)
What other sources do you currently use to obtain audiobooks? Please select all of the services you have used in the last six months.
Kurzweil or other personal scanning software
Local disability organization or college disability office
Human reader

How would you grade your past experiences with these other content providers?
Kurzweil or other personal scanning software
Local disability organization or college disability office
Human reader
Overall, how would you grade your experience with Learning Ally, formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic?
A (excellent)
C (satisfactory)
F (poor)
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your experiences with the app or our programs and services in general?
We appreciate your help in improving the audio learning experience for all members. May we contact you in the future for a more detailed conversation about your experiences with Learning Ally?
Would you be interested in joining a User Group involved in actively designing and testing new Learning Ally products?
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