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SEA Customer Satisfaction Survey
Questions marked with an * are required
How satisfied are you with the following in regards to your recent purchase with Southeast Aerospace (SEA):
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Product or Service
* Price
* Availability
* Customer Service
* Delivery Time
* Order Accuracy
* Quality/Durability
* Overall
* How did you hear about SEA?
* What was your deciding factor for making a purchase with SEA?
* How likely are you to purchase from SEA again?
* Would you recommend SEA to others?
* Are you satisfied with the packaging and condition of your received shipment?
* Please explain what you liked most about your experience with SEA.
* Please provide any areas where SEA could possibly improve upon to enhance your customer service experience.
Email Address (Required to address any concerns as needed. Your email address will not be distributed or used in any other situation.)
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