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Full name
Contact number
Skype ID
What musical genre(s) do you think describes your music?
Place of birth
What is your date of birth?
Number of siblings? Older? Younger? Girl/ boy? Influential in your life in any way?
Education — any info you feel could be applicable
Okay! That was the boring basic info stuff. Let's move on to your album, starting with the album title, please.
Hello new friend,

After using various forms for the purpose of gathering information I've found most people enjoy a good survey. Please answer each question with as much personality as you can. It really does help me bring your bio to life. And that's what we want.

In the comments section at the end please include links to any website, facebook, soundcloud, bandcamp, reverb nation - etc. If you don't have any of these that's perfectly fine. I'm just looking for additional ways to learn a little more about you without calling your mom/dad/significant other, etc. ☺

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below. The sooner you can complete this, the sooner I can get a first draft to you for revision.

With my thanks,