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API Portal Training Survey

Gateway Training Feedback
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
In an effort to collect feedback on the quality of our Layer 7 API Portal training, please take the time to provide your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback will be reviewed by our trainer as we make some important changes in 2013. Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Please comment on your experience during the Layer 7 API Portal Training.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
* I understand how the API Portal communicates with the Gateway.
* I know how to mark a service on the Gateway as API Portal managed.
* I have an understanding of the available roles and their responsibilities.
* I can create an API Plan and assign API Plans, a EULA and a WADL file to it.
* I am aware of what a private API is and how it affects the API itself and developers.
* I can create a private API, assign it to organizations, and understand how it relates to the API documentation and forums.
* I can sign up as a developer, create an application and get everything approved by an administrative user.
* I know how to use the API Explorer to test an API.
* I know how to enable runtime API key/API plan enforcement to my services in the Policy Manager.
* I have a basic understanding of the CMS and how to use it.
* I am familiar with the metrics cron job used for analytics.
The following questions assess your familiarity with LDAP integration. If you do not use this, please ignore.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
* I am familiar with configuring the LDAP integration (ldap URL, admin user, admin credentials, group mapping, etc.)
* I know how to enable DLAP authentication for the API Portal (/dashboard.
* I can enable DLAP for /admin, /staging URIs.
* I know how to enable fallback to a local authentication mechanism for the /admin interface in case LDAP fails.
The following questions assess your familiarity with OAUTH integration. If you do not use this feature, please ignore and move on to the next question. These statements assume you have the OAuth Toolkit already installed on the Gateway.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
* I can make the required changes to the OAuth Toolkit (OTK) already installed on the gateway.
* I know how to enable OAuth 1 and OAuth 2.0 for my API.
* I can modify my application to make it work with OAuth (callback URL, scope, etc).
* I have the knowledge to test my APIs with OAuth 1 and 2.0 via the API Explorer.
What worked well?
What could be improved?
Additional Thoughts:
Please contact Phillip Pettengell if you have any questions regarding this survey.