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The following research aims to provide practitioners and managers the importance of intercultural competence in multicultural teams and recommendations regarding the value of intercultural competence in teams. Intercultural competence is a set of skills, attitudes and knowledge which is developed gradually by experience and will never be complete. The research will help organisations and individuals to think about the development of these skills and how these skills will help in improving the team performance (quality and quantity of outcome).

Please be advised that participation in this research is entirely voluntary and you have a right to agree with or decline at any stage of your participation in this research. However, the researcher anticipates no risks to the research subjects and to the participants.
This research study will comply with the general guidelines of confidentiality and nondisclosure of distribution of information obtained during the data collection sessions.

Thank you very much for your time

What is your gender?
Prefer not to say
What is your age group?
20-30 years
31-40 years
41-50 years
more than 50 years
What is your educational background?
Where have you worked with the people of different cultures?
While studying
While visiting/staying abroad
While working abroad
How often do you work in multicultural team?
Once a week
One a month
Every 3 months
Every 6 months
Once a year
Following section determines the capabilities when working in a multicultural team. Please encircle the appropriate statement which matches your view.
My previous intercultural experience helped me in successfully working in multicultural team.
Tend to Agree
Tend to Disagree
I believe that appropriate knowledge, attitude, motivation and capabilities are necessary when working in a team.
Tend to Agree
Tend to Disagree
I think motivation, knowledge, attitude and capabilities affect the team performance.
Tend to Agree
Tend to Disagree