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Thank you for your participation in the Agritourism Train-the-Trainer Workshop held 4-5 January 2010 at the Sandhill REC Lake House. In order to improve similar events in the future, we are seeking your honest appraisal.

Please complete the following questionnaire and submit it electronically. We will be willing to share the results with you upon request.

Best Regards,

Dave Lamie
How important do you consider the topic of agritourism to be for the future of South Carolina farmers and rural communities?
not important
somewhat important
very important
Don't Know
Feel free to elaborate here.
How important do you think it is to provide training and support to agritourism service providers (e.g. Extension Agents)?
not important
somewhat important
very important
don't know
Feel free to elaborate here.
Please rate the following attributes of the Agritourism Train-the-Trainer Workshop that you attended?
poor good very good excellent
Choice of Subject
Workshop Content
Delivery Style and Format
Length of Workshop
Overall Quality of Presentations
Overall Quality of Materials
Meeting Space
Food (Day One)
Food (Day Two)
Feel free to elaborate here.
Please rate your satisfaction with the following attributes of the workshop.
No Opinion Not Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Choice of Subject
Mix of Participants
Delivery Style and Format
Length of Sessions
Overall Quality of Presentations
Overall Quality of Materials
Meeting Space
Food (Day One)
Food (Day Two)
Feel free to elaborate here.
Please rate the helpfulness of the following presentations:
did not attend not helpful helpful very helpful
Innovative Regional Approaches to Rural and Agritourism Development
Presentation of SARE Grant-funded Agritourism Resource Materials
Agritourism Pitfalls: Legal Liability and Protocols
State Agency Agritourism-Related Activities, Resources, and Hopes and Plans for the Future
Clemson Extension and Campus-Based Agritourism Activities and Research
Where Do We Start? Development of Local and Regional Agritourism Initiatives
Identifying Extension’s Role in Statewide and Local Agritourism Activities
Financing the Agritourism Enterprise
Business and Marketing Planning Technical Assistance
Considerations for Development of a Statewide Organizational Presence for Agritourism
Feel free to elaborate here.
In what agritourism-related topics would you like to receive more training?
What do you see as "next steps" from this workshop? What role do you see yourself or your organization playing?
Please list other individuals and organizations and indicate the role that you think they should play in development of agritourism in South Carolina.
Before the workshop, the planning committe helped identify three phases for an initial agritourism "push" in South Carolina. With the first phase being the identification of resources, partners, barriers and goals, the second phase takes a more hands-on approach. The idea is to have workshop attendees help identify existing and aspiring agritourism businesses in their region(s) and to provide them with training and resources to help them develop their business plans.

How interested would you be interested in taking part in a hands-on follow-up workshop to jump-start phase two?
Not interested
Very interested
Already planning such an event
Feel free to elaborate here.
Please describe the resource commitment you anticipate needing (from state agencies and others) in order to organize a regional agritourism workshop.
Over all, I consider this to be one of the best Clemson-sponsored professional training events that I have attended in the past three years.
Definitely do not agree
Somewhat agree
Definitely agree
No Opinion
Please feel free to provide additional constructive feedback or comments on any aspect of the workshop.
If you would like to be involved in other related future professional development events, please provide your contact information here.
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