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You are invited to participate in a confidential survey about Adept's CFO, Seth Halio.  The purpose of the survey is to give employees a safe way to provide feedback about any concerns they may have.  All survey responses will be anonymous, and when all of the results are in they will be printed and delivered to the other senior managers (Rob Cain, Deron Jackson, and Terry Hannon).
Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. This survey is being done without HR involvement and should be considered highly confidential.  Do not provide any written responses that may identify you.  Also, do not go to the survey website on any Adept computer or while connected to an Adept wifi network.  Use your home computer, or your phone on the mobile network. Thank you very much for your time and support.

If you choose to participate, please complete the survey by Friday December 19th.
Completely disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Completely agree
I believe Seth treats people with respect
I believe Seth acts in a professional manner similar to other executives that I have worked with
I often seek Seth's advice on how to improve my job performance
I am comfortable sharing my ideas for process improvement with Seth
Completely disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Completely agree
I value Seth's opinion
I believe Seth values my opinion
I would recommend open finance positions at Adept to friends
I believe Seth is a good representative of Adept's culture
Completely disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Completely agree
I often try to avoid dealing with Seth at the office
I am looking for a new job outside of Adept primarily due to Seth
I am concerned that someone will sue Adept due to Seth
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