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Questions marked with an * are required
* Are you...

(Please select one answer.)
* Do you work in any of the following industries?

(Please select one answer.)
Marketing/Market Research
Design / Web Design
Sales or service of computer technology –related products (hardware, software)
Advertising/public relations
None of the above
* What is your age?

(Please select one answer.)
Under 18
Over 65
* Approximately how many salaried full time or part time employees are in your company at all locations?

(Please select one answer.)
1, just me
51 or more
* How much influence do you have in how you manage financial or other business management tasks at your company?

(Please select one answer.)
I would make the final decision
I would heavily influence, but do not have the final approval
I would have some influence
I would have no input into the decision
* Which of the following brand/s of financial management software/s have you ever used before?

(Please select all that apply.)
Quickbooks Desktop
Sage One
QuickBooks Online
None of the above

* Do you have a role in managing or analyzing the finances of your business, including invoicing, financial reports, and customer payments?

(Please select one answer.)
* Do you have internet at your place of business?

(Please select one answer.)
* Which of the following devices do you use for business (includes checking emails or surfing the web on your personal devices)?

(Please select all that apply.)
Android phone
Android tablet
Other smartphone / tablet device
None of these

* To complete this survey you need to have Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer installed as your internet browser on your computer. Do you have, or are you able to install one of these browsers on your computer now?

(Please select one answer.)
Yes, I have Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer / I will download it now
No, I do not have Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer / I cannot download it
* The purpose of this study is to ask for your first impressions of two websites where an email address (one you remember) will used for completing the tasks and will not be used for any other purpose. You can unsubscribe from the website after the study, your email and details are not linked to your answers, and will not be disclosed. For more information please refer to our Privacy Policy.

(Please select one answer.)
I am happy to continue
I do not want to continue
* You need to have access to your personal email account to take part in this study. Do you have access to your email address now?

(Please select one answer.)
Yes, I have access to my email
No, I don’t have access to my email