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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* What are your career plans after residency (i.e. primary care/outpatient, hospitalist, fellowship/which one?)
* How many weeks of AC have you had so far this year?
* Which aspects of being an AC are/have been the most stressful for you? (Check all that apply)
being the first on the scene
leading a rapid response
leading a medical code
managing acutely ill patients
determining disposition and making decisions
participating in complex family discussions
performing procedures independently

Please answer the following questions on a scale of "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree."
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
* The prospect of being an AC is still a source of stress for me.
* I have a systematic approach in evaluating and treating critical patients.
* I have received adequate training in evaluating and treating critical patients.
* The AC Prep Course has enabled me to care for critically ill patients more effectively.
* The AC Prep Course has enabled me to run medical codes more effectively.
* In addition to the leader, the team members also “watch each others’ backs.” This is called:
Situation monitoring
Shared mental model
* Which of the following is a call-out? 
“push 1mg epinephrine.” “1mg epinephrine?” “correct.” “1mg epinephrine given.”
“I have a pulse!”
“The family member called back.”
“How are you doing with the compressions?”
* Which of the following is the responsibility of the leader?
Assign roles
Communicate clearly with all team members
Resource management
Conflict resolution
All of the above
* You see a team member tiring during a round of CPR. Which is the best next step?
Call out the team member for doing inadequate compressions
Offer to assist the team member with the task
Inform the leader of the team member’s fatigue
Concentrate on the task or role assigned to you
* As team leader, you take time during a case to recap the events and ask for input. This is:
A brief
A debrief
A huddle
A check-back
Please share any thoughts/ positive experiences/ concerns/ areas of improvement regarding the AC Preparation Sim Course: